Healing Event

Healing Event

Healing Events are a version of Star Events, high energy events that change the energy body permanently. A Healing Event is the Star Event for a problem that needed healing.

Healing Events

Healing Events are totality experiences which include the conscious mind, the body, emotions, the energy system and the energy mind ALL being aware that something has changed.

Healing events are a form of Star Event; in EMO the healing events are called The Energized End State and in Project Sanctuary and SuperMind, the transformational breakthrough event is known as a threshold shift.

It is important to note that without having a healing EVENT, i.e. an undeniable experience of change, we may assume that NO HEALING HAS TAKEN PLACE.

It is therefore incumbent upon any practitioner of any healing modality to at least try to achieve a healing event with their clients.

On the bright side, when a healing event is actively sought and consciously desired by the practitioner, it is far more likely to happen than if that was not the case.

A healing event, like all events, denotes REAL change having taken place and this is undeniable in the experience of the person who had this healing event.

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