The Guild of Energists was founded in 1998 and is the world's largest Modern Energy organisation with 975 members active in 86 countries.

We specialise in energy based solutions for individuals and organisations that make the world a less stressed, happier, social and more creative place to live.


The StarFields Diary

Fast Introduction To EmoTrance I'm currently working on re-writing all the EmoTrance training materials - Self Help, Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner and Trainer's Manual. Phew. A lot of work, indeed. The trainer's manual includes some sample explanations for various things, and I've just written a sample introduction for EmoTrance, what one might say in a workshop to people who haven't met EmoTrance yet and just before the first demonstration. I quite enjoyed that, thought it was fun so I posted it here as well.

Have you ever wondered what emotions are? Where feelings come from? How we can feel so happy one moment, and the next, we’re crushed, crying, desperate?

Well, I can tell you today – and what I’m going to tell you, and what you will learn for yourselves today is going to change your world.

People used to think that emotions were some kind of crazyness, and that we’re better off not having them at all, because they didn’t understand what emotions are.

They didn’t understand it because they didn’t know two things.

Firstly, that people are MORE THAN THEIR PHYSICAL BODY – that people have also an energy body, in fact, a complete and invisible ENERGY PERSON, who has their own energy mind, a heart of energy, many, many pathways like the veins in our bodies, and the nervous system and so much more.

And the second thing they didn’t understand was that emotions, feelings that don’t seem to have a physical reason, were the CRIES OF JOY OR PAIN from the energy body.

Emotions are our feedback device how our energy body is doing. It’s as simple as that, but that is very profound.

It really means that ALL emotions, anger, rage, sadness, depression, fury, shame, guilt and all of that are nothing more, and nothing less, than cries for help from our energy body.

It is trying to tell us that there is something wrong, and it is telling us this very specifically.

For example, when you have been rejected by someone you love, you feel as though your heart is bursting. You don’t have a pain in your foot, or in your hand.

The reason you feel the pain in your chest and not in your hand is because that is the EXACT LOCATION where our energy person has been hurt, has been injured.

And that’s exactly where we must go to heal that injury, heal that pain, so that our energy person doesn’t need to cry in pain any longer.

But that is only one part of the story.

When our energy body, our energy person or some call it our “spirit” is happy and feels well, then the world’s your oyster!

Everything is wonderful and bright, you feel strong, you dance through your days and everything is so easy – you know what that is like?

So EmoTrance is not just about healing the wounds of our energy person, but about learning how we can make them HAPPY.

We will find out how we can feed our energy body so it feels happier, how to take away burdens and generally do the very best we can so that our energy bodies are working as they were designed to work by the Creative Order.

That is our first and most important concept we have in EmoTrance, namely the concept of The EVEN FLOW.

That is when all things work as they should; when energies flow freely and easily, in, through and out, and we know that is so because we can REALLY FEEL IT in our bodies – the opposite of all those negative emotions, we get to feel joy, aliveness, ecstacy, happiness, and that’s far better than just peace!

So remember that we are not doing anything artificial here, or trying to add something on that wasn’t there before.

All we do in EmoTrance is do our utmost best to restore what we were given by the Creative Order to work as it should – move towards the Even Flow, the design blueprint of our energy systems.

We also use the phrase of “putting right what once went wrong”.

The problem has been all along that people simply didn’t know that we have this energy body, and that it communicates with us through emotions, or that it needs certain energies for survival so it doesn’t become weak and starved.

So in our societies, there are so many things that go on that damage the energy body and no-one knows they’re doing it!

Which is why there is so much sadness and anger in the world, and so much fear and stress, and those are also cries for help from our energy bodies.

But we have, in EmoTrance, a fantastic technique to really make a difference now.

In this workshop, you are going to learn how you can work with emotions and with energy to heal all sorts of problems in the energy body, put things right, and find out how good it feels when you do that.

Now before we go into the first demonstration, where I’m going to show you how simple it is when you are doing the right thing, and how well it works, there is one more thing I must tell you.

The human energy system is INCREDIBLY complicated.

It is already incredibly complicated from the moment of conception onwards, but then it gets even more complicated, because every single one of us has then all these different environments and experiences which PERSONALISE OUR ENERGY SYSTEMS absolutely.

The fact is that there is NO MAP in the world that would describe any of your energy systems correctly.

Your energy people are absolutely unique – and there’s not one single person in all the world, or all the times, who is even remotely like you.

So we don’t use maps with a myriad of channels and points in EmoTrance, and instead, we look at our energy systems directly.

I said look, but it’s actually more like “feel” – because you can really, really FEEL where your emotions are hurting you, where there is pressure, tighness, hot nasty sensations we sometimes call shame or guilt, and all the rest.

You can feel that, and you can show ME where YOU feel THAT – you can show me with your hands.

So instead of an artificial model, we are dealing DIRECTLY with your energy system and what is really there, all the time.

That’s a lot more efficient than trying to learn all sorts of funny sounding names for all sorts of things we don’t need, it’s personal, it’s fast and it is immensely effective.

Before we start, there is one more thing and that is very important.

Who is going to do the healing when we have found where the problem is in the energy body? HOW do we heal something we can’t even see, only feel, and something that might well be old, and complicated?

The good news is that our energy person also has “energy hands” – we sometimes call them hands of ghost, or spirit hands, to make a distinction between those healing hands and our physical hands made from flesh and bone.

The thing is that our energy person knows all about energy. It has not only an energy mind but also energy eyes that can see what’s wrong, and then of course energy hands to do the actual repair work.

It is our energy person themselves who are doing the healing in the end.

All we have to do consciously is to DIRECT the healing with our conscious mind, with our intention, and sometimes, to give permission with our conscious mind so it can start.

So now, you have heard some of the basic principles of EmoTrance in brief, and we can start with a demonstration, so you can see for yourself just how EmoTrance works in practice.

(Excerpt from EmoTrance 2006 trainer's materials)

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