The Guild of Energists was founded in 1998 and is the world's largest Modern Energy organisation with 969 members active in 85 countries.

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The StarFields Diary

Filling The Void A chance conversation overheard got me thinking - and led the way to an interesting pattern you can use with PS, EFT or EmoTrance: Filling The Void.

Is there something missing in your life?

Try this, it is very interesting and potentially extremely beneficial.

"Since my husband died," the middle aged lady said to her friend in the queue for the checkout, "there has been such a void in my heart and I just don't know how to fill it ..."

This resonated with me strongly, especially the word, "void".

An absence, a hole, something that has gone missing, an erea of low pressure that pulls in on itself - and that hurts.

Do I have a void? Where do I feel that in my body?

Even as I thought it, my hands went to my stomach and I got a sense of something old, something that felt eternally hungry, unfulfilled.

Oooh ....

Now the checkout queue in ASDA isn't the best place in the world to deal with deep level, ancient energy body disturbances; so at that time, I sent some energy from my healing hands there to soothe it for now and made the decision to do something with that just as soon as I got home.

So I did.

The coat was barely off and the shopping still in the hallway, and I was in the magic room, tuning in to that old void again.

It really did feel so very, very old, as though I had always had that with me - I got a vague impression of a hungry baby, way past crying for food, with stomach cramps because the stomach was so empty.

When you work with yourself, you have to watch that sort of thing. The impression I got is interesting to be sure; it may even be absolutely true and the real source of that "void" I could feel now, near enough fifty years later, but to get into a train of thought, memory, accusations or feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to do a thing to finally and actually FILL THE VOID.

That requires to step back, take a deep breath and re-focus on the here and now; let all thoughts of neglected babies and whose fault that was drop away absolutely and to remember that NOW, all of that is ONLY existing in the energy matrix - it is ONLY AN ENERGY.

Where do I feel that void in my body?

I love the way my hands move without volition, on their own accord, guided by an intelligence that is so much more than my conscious self, knows such things, knows so much more than *I* do. That in and of itself is a wonderful thing - it shows and tells me both at the same time that my hands want me to be healed of this.

This thing isn't karma or self sabotage, and clearly my hands don't think that I deserve this; they wish to help, they wish to heal.

And all *I* have to do is to let that happen. To not get in the way with doubts or stray thoughts and keep my focus, that is all *I* can do, on my desire to right what once went wrong, to remember that this is only energy, and that my own healing hands have the power to do something about this - all *I* have to do is give permission, let it happen, and let it happen now.

Unusually, I begin to feel some energy flowing down from my head into my shoulders and neck; I say unusually because this feels warm, then hot. This energy flows down into my arms and hands and from there, into my stomach. I also notice further waves like hot water going down my back at the same time.

Then for no reason that I can discern, I start to cry. But that's alright, for that is also only an expression of an energy movement, I guess something is shifting and coming loose. This unusual warm energy is beginning to fill my stomach, makes it relax and relieves pressure and pain. I must remember to breathe deeply, not to lock up in concentration. As soon as I do that, the energy flow increases as does the sense of warmth, and comfort.

I keep breathing and think that I want this to be put to rights, re-establish the Even Flow there, make it good, make it right. The sensations are strangely pleasant, very soothing, so much so that I'm feeling tired now and sleeply. Just in time I catch that and think, ok, this is only an energy, I'm doing EmoTrance, this is not an energised end state yet. So I breathe deeply in and out to wake myself up and deliberately increase the flow of the energy to find the exit point for the system - there must be one, energy must flow in - AND OUT.

I am getting a sense that I have made a first connection to the "void system" by filling it, and now I'm looking for a second connection which will complete the circuit. How does this energy leave the space? What are the natural channels and pathways? I can feel a pressure near my coccyx and place my attention there for some "softening and flowing" - and there it is! As the energy finds its exit point and literally bursts out of the bottom of my spine, there is that fantastic sensation that heralds the beginning of the "energised end state"!  At first, this is a huge relief - pressure released, deep breaths, oh yes, this is better!

Those who have experience of this will know that you're then in a strange, light headed, giddy state - smiling, wriggling, giggling with that energy flow, and electric sensations all over. It feels really, really good.

And the void?

No void. No pressure, no pain, just an overall feeling of lightness and brightness, HAPPINESS.

For a time, you're just too happy to sit still and you have to walk around, moving your arms, shoulders, neck and feet and as it calms down, thoughts come back.

I start reflecting on this experience and thinking about voids in general. This void I had, what kind of system that might be, how it had felt as though it was endlessly imploding back on itself. How when the hot energy came, it was unlike when you are drinking a hot drink and you can feel it sliding down your throat and into your stomach, creating a warming sensation, and whether I might have tried in the past to fill the void physically with hot drinks for that reason. And what other voids there might exist in me, or in other people, and how things would be different for me and them if they could handle that void thing with energy - which is probably the ONLY thing that can help for real in the long run.

And then I thought of the lady in the supermarket whose husband had died, and I spend the following time sending her my best wishes, and my best space time quantum healing efforts for her void.

A void is a strange thing. It is not so much as problem you think you have, but a solution that you don't - not an obvious burden, but some kind of anti-burden which is just as unhealthy in the long run.

So all you energy psychology enabled folk out there with problems that seem ELUSIVE, perhaps there might be some merit in looking in that direction and asking oneself, "Do I have a void in my life? And where do I feel that in my body?"

With the location established, EFT can help too by tapping on the void, the reasons for the void, and the sensations deriving from the void. Self help EmoTrance or to do this with a friend, or in a circle, is going to be a very interesting experience too.

The other thing is, I do believe voids can cause long term health problems just as serious in nature as blockages and injuries. And depending on where they are located, they can certainly cause what appear to be behaviour problems, or even life choice problems. If there is a void in your systems, you can't function properly and fixing that NOW is definitely prophylactic - and very energizing, very re-conciling, and very relieving which I can tell you from experience.

As always, it will be most interesting to see what happens next, and what changes will come along as a result of "filling the void".

That is the fun part beyond the good feelings, and the knowledge that you have done a good deed in the spirit of the Even Flow on this day.

There are always "side effects" from these kinds of treatments. Sometimes they are immediately obvious, other times they present themselves as complete surprises - you find yourself thinking something or doing something you have never done before, didn't even think you could think or do, and sometimes, these things are experiences.

Apparently, Buddha said that the root of all misery is desire.

Perhaps the root of all desire are voids.

So let's fill them - and let's find out what happens next.


Wishing you fulfilments in their widest possible metaphorical sense,


Silvia Hartmann

January 31st

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