The Guild of Energists was founded in 1998 and is the world's largest Modern Energy organisation with 975 members active in 83 countries.

We specialise in energy based solutions for individuals and organisations that make the world a less stressed, happier, social and more creative place to live.


The StarFields Diary

Happy Solstice 2007! Yes, it's that time of year again - the shortest day is upon us, which means that the longest night is here. Traditionally as well as practically, this is a particularly good moment to let go of the old and make decisions, requests and wishes for the new. The beautiful thing about Solstice is also that the general population doesn't do anything other than sleep in exhaustion after more preparations for their otherwise timed seasonal festivals and there is little disturbance in the ether from those quarters either - excellent!

If you take five minutes or have yourself a full on Solstice ceremony, it is magical, powerful and if you are of that mind, moving and changing, as well; so don't let the opportunity go by ... it only comes once per year ... :-)

I can't know of course what the solar year which now lies behind us has brought for you; for me, it was rather strange, with some changes, some new things, but also a lot of consolidation; of going back to basics in many ways and of re-considering certain decisions, some of which were quite old.

Personally, for me the greatest eye opener this year was the Project Sanctuary course. As you know, I do a great many things, all the time, and have done for a long time, so it can be quite confusing as to what is important, and what is just urgent. It is a fact that all my work is based on Project Sanctuary, and that my greatest joy as well as greatest achievements stem from that way of working with the powers of the human mind. The Project Sanctuary course gave me an opportunity to test some things with a very diverse group of people from around the world; and it turns out that extremely complex multi-dimensional systemics and computations are within the absolute reach of EVERYONE. It's just a question of activating those parts of our brains that deal with this sort of thing with consummate ease - and that is so much easier than we might have believed, it's nearly scary.

This is certainly something which we also see in EmoTrance, namely how incredibly easy certain things are when you start to use the human systems as they were designed to be used by the Creative Order, pay some attention and stop fighting with them.

The first project to be completed this last year was The Golden Horse ( - my collection of new and original fairy tales, written between 2000 and 2007. This is a lovely little book and I'm really pleased that it's out and about now.

Spring was taken up with Energy Dancing (). A great concept, brilliant fun and one of our most successful product launches ever. As EmoTrance grows and spreads, it will be nice to see Energy Dancing also going more mainstream; I'd love to see this done everywhere, from prisons to nurseries to old folk's homes, and even in hospitals because you don't have to be upright to enjoy the increase in energy flow. I have had some truly wonderful and also often immensely helpful experiences with that; and all forms of music are just the BEST co-healer, and readily available in every environment at that. Energy Dancing is one of those things that has literally endless applications. We had a special download for "The Ghost Dance" on Halloween and I had some great feedback from that as well.

In the early summer, I visited Bosnia to teach some EmoTrance classes. That was an interesting experience and I learned that in order for translations of my work to be successful, I will have to write some special things that are simple and easy to translate. "The EmoTrance Primer" thus came into being, which can be seen in the new EmoTrance Yearbook 2008.

For my personal research and enjoyment, I worked throughout the year on a new book which was a massive project - Aromatherapy For The Soul. I bought hundreds of essences from dozens of suppliers from all around the world, created in excess of a hundred paintings and channelled information and stories about the essences. It was immensely enjoyable, and Aromatherapy For The Soul should be available in the spring of 2008.

The autumn brought the massive Project Sanctuary 23 project. That was hard work but also thoroughly enjoyable, and as the result of that, we now have THE most advanced course on using your brain in a whole new way on the planet. I salute the good people who made it through and became Project Sanctuary Masters; and I am sure they will know what that was, and what that has meant to them.

With the PS23 course also came quite surprisingly another project - The Soul Pilots. The PS Masters got together and for the period running up to All Hallows Eve, went on some 70 soul rescuing missions, which are chronicled in story form in this really extraordinary book. If you have *any* interest in otherworldly things, you will love The Soul Pilots. I highly recommend it!

The second to last project of the year was to compile and edit the new EmoTrance Yearbook. This no longer contains "The Enchanted World", but instead consists of the new EmoTrance Primer, and many wonderful support articles, contributed by ET trainers and practitioners, which illustrate many of the colourful facets that is the EmoTrance diamond.

Our final project is the launch of "SuperGoals" for New Year's eve. This is a special energy hypnosis program designed to help all aspects of a person to align and agree on a single goal - a supergoal - so all of you can get to work on it and make it happen. A perfect "New Year's Resolution" device, very integrative and absolutely fascinating to discover what it is you really, really want. Look out for the New Year's promotion and offers on that one.

So all in all you could say, 2007 was an interesting year!

For 2008, I look forward to seeing the release of Sandra Hillawi's new book, "The Love Clinic", which explores using EmoTrance to beautifully and painlessly resolve all manner of love and relationship problems. Now THAT is a much needed contribution, indeed. There is an Energy Dancing 2 that is mostly completed and just waiting for a time of calm for me to get it ready; and also the first ever "Practitioner ONLY" EmoTrance conference, where we get to hear about new developments in this exciting field for the first time.

2008 also contains two important anniversaries.

The first is the ten year anniversary of selling ebooks on the world wide web. A decade of ebooks! I don't think there's a single country in the world where we don't have a customer now, and many of the things we have today would have been totally impossible without the wonder of the Portable Document Format or PDF. From sending out a single ebook as an attachment with an email by hand, to the advanced online personal library system that we have today, ebooks have been the core of our business and the core of our ability to spread information at a low cost to anyone who wants it. That, and of course the free downloadable documents, make ebooks into a powerful force in the world today. And now, with the concern for the environment growing, they make even more sense than they ever did before. I love ebooks and I am delighted to see that they are finally gaining not just acceptance, but that people are coming to appreciate their numerous and very real advantages at last.

1998 is also the ten year anniversary of EFT in the UK. Ten years ago, Chrissy Hardisty and I went on a mission to educate people about EFT - and I'd say, we've done a great job. Now, there are dozens of EFT books and even the taxi driver who took me to the airport the other day was aware of it, and had used it to successfully overcome a fear of heights.

I still love EFT for its simplicity and effectiveness and I look forward to seeing this anniversary becoming a focus for public awareness and reminding people to "try EFT on EVERYTHING!"

So, there is much that has been achieved and much more still to come; something to be proud of and something to look forward to.

It doesn't get much better than that, really.

I would personally like to thank YOU, dear reader, for your continuing interest and your support of my work. I am truly delighted to see that my work is beginning to have an impact and actually helping REAL people get more out of life, no matter who they are, no matter where they live, or where they've been. That's what my work is all about, that's what I'm here to do.

I wish you a wonderful Solstice and give you my deep and wide blessings for the year ahead, and your own true path in all ways,


Silvia Hartmann

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