The Guild of Energists was founded in 1998 and is the world's largest Modern Energy organisation with 975 members active in 86 countries.

We specialise in energy based solutions for individuals and organisations that make the world a less stressed, happier, social and more creative place to live.


The StarFields Diary

Serene Beauty or: How to get rid of your wrinkles holistically ...

Many years ago, I had a formative experience on the topic of "beauty".

A woman of about 30 years of age had booked an appointment for hypnotherapy. When she arrived and I greeted her at the door, I thought, "My God! How UGLY is SHE! Good grief! That is probably THE UGLIEST WOMAN I have EVER seen!"

I am not kidding and I am not overstating this - she was INCREDIBLY ugly.

Her face was like thunder and scrunched up into some sort of grimace you see on gargoyles on top of church roofs.

"Eeeouwh ..." I thought, but kept a straight face, invited her in, did the pre-trance interview, agreed with her on the outcome of the session and began my work.

As I led her into trance, this extraordinary thing happened before my eyes - she started to UNWRINKLE.

Her face began to move like you see in horror movies, only the other way around. There were muscles shifting like slugs beneath her skin, and when the process was finished and she was in deep trance, she was ... beautiful.

It was truly extraordinary.

I remember sitting in my chair, leaning forward on my elbows, and looking at her on the couch, turning my head this way and that to catch the light differently, figure out if this was an illusion or just a trick of the light, but it wasn't.

In deep trance, this ugly woman was beautiful.

She looked serene, peaceful.

And this reminded me then of something else. I have heard it said that dead people sometimes likewise look beautiful, serene, much younger than they had appeared before, and that "deathmasks" used to be taken from them to make sculptures because of that fact.

As I was sitting watching the woman breathe deeply and be completely relaxed, completely at ease, it all made perfect sense to me.

A bit like "The Picture Of Dorian Grey".

Her thoughts, beliefs, experiences, reversals, all were "carved into her face" and held in place by the muscles of her face which had stopped moving and had become "set" in a kind of multi-level gargoyle grimace over time. This is what I saw and that's what caused me to think she was ugly.

With people when they are old, you can see from their wrinkles what their favourite facial expressions over the years would have been. This true from laughter lines around the eyes to lines around the mouth as it is for the forehead and the way the eyebrows have moved.

You can try and get rid of this with plastic surgery - but these truth lines will always come back. It's not the skin, it's the muscles beneath that are wrinkling the skin, that are responding to our facial expressions, to our predominant states and emotions, and those relate to how well our energy system is functioning.

Now you can smear potions and products on your "skin" until all the cows have not just come home, but died of old age, and that won't do A THING for the wrinkles which you might as well call life lines.

If you REALLY want to "get rid" of your worst affected wrinkle areas, you need to do something else.

You need to learn to give different commands to the muscles in your face.

A first step in the right direction is to actively work on relaxing the face, and learning what that feels like. There are tens of thousands of little muscles everywhere in your face, and to get them all to relax, as it would happen in death or deep trance, is a beginning to get a FEELING back on what that is like.

Try different thoughts and different ideas, with your eyes closed, and just PAY ATTENTION to how your facial muscles are responding to these thoughts, these ideas, or perhaps, these specific memories.

You might try to massage your face in a new and different way; just your extended fingertips, being very light and very sensitive, exploring the tension of the many muscles beneath the skin of your face, tiny circular movements and perhaps the desire added to "soften, and flow".

If you know how to switch on your healing hands, or in this case, your healing fingertips, you can use those too to unlock muscle tension held for far too long, release burdens, blockages, all manner of judgements, ideas and fears which too serve to cause muscles to lock up and contract - and perhaps the command to relax, that the danger is over, just never came and thus it was that these states became "frozen" in our faces, for all to see.

Finally, becoming aware of tensions in the face, in the eyes, in your mouth and your neck *as they occur* might give us all a chance to take some small swift action there and then, a little gesture of support, a thought of love or healing, an encouragement to relax, to soften and flow ...

The skin is an amazing thing. Even on a very, VERY old person, it still tries to repair itself, will close up wounds, will renew itself.

If we can get the muscles beneath the skin to relax, even very, VERY old skin has a chance to become smooth again, and translucent - and that would be beauty and serenity in life, not only in death.


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