The Guild of Energists was founded in 1998 and is the world's largest Modern Energy organisation with 975 members active in 86 countries.

We specialise in energy based solutions for individuals and organisations that make the world a less stressed, happier, social and more creative place to live.


The StarFields Diary

SFI March 2008 - Wealth, The Subconscious, Cloaks & The Happy Hypnotist Hello everyone,

Stormy weather here in the UK, but spring has sprung and it is, indeed, marching on :-)

In this edition of SFI we have The Lucky Hypnotist, Studies of the Subconscious, The Alien Planet Game, Win A Cloak (And learn a simple Energy Magic technique!), and a little something about the necessity of keeping YOUR WEALTH steady when the going gets rough ...

***** The Lucky Hypnotist *****

I did an interview about being a hypnotist the other day for The Transparent Hypnotist which was fun to do and reminded me of many things. You can read a copy of it here:

*****Talking Of The Subconscious ....*****

There is a mildly interesting article in the NY Times about various experiments relating to priming and the "subconscious" mind.

After two pages of studies on the behaviour of students (which has got to be suspect, in and of itself, most of the time!), the conclusion is:

"The new research makes it clear that we are not alone in our own consciousness.

"We have company, an invisible partner who has strong reactions about the world that don't always agree with our own, but whose instincts, these studies clearly show, are at least as likely to be helpful, and attentive to others, as they are to be disruptive."

Oh ...?

Really ...?

Sigh ...

Whole article here:

If you want to get a little more advanced than that then you might enjoy ...

***** The Alien Planet Game *****

A completely un-scientific study amongst ETTs and PSMs has revealed that we work too much, worry too much, sleep too little and simply don't have enough FUN on a daily basis.

To counterbalance this, the members of the Project Sanctuary forum play games with their energy minds, as we call them round here, mostly because a) that's what they are and b) because they're not sub to anything whatsoever.

A good example is the "Alien Planet game".

7 different trips, 7 completely different journeys, 7 very personal revelations and threshold shifts - and it's Article No. 77 on

*7 = Completion - Creativity manifest, expressing the spiritual in physical form, magic.

The human mind is a wonderful thing ... and it's wonderful to see the members of the PS forum using is so fascinatingly!

*****Win A Cloak!*****

Whilst we're on the topic of magic, there is an "educational magic competition" going on at - the prize is to win a real magic cloak created by Artemisia Dance Designs.

* Artemisia - Belonging to Artemis, the Goddess of the Moon, of women, and of wild things and wild places - nature, you might call it if you wanted to.

It's free to enter, AND it gives you a chance to practice a small but important and foundational energy magic exercise whilst we're there :-)

PS - Now if you've just thought, "Oh what's the point, I never win anything anyway ..."
... do I need to say more ...?

***** Hold Your Wealth STEADY! *****

Every day I hear it on the radio, see it on TV - everybody is WHINING about how TERRIBLE everything is, how the economies are in a woeful state, how it's all going to get even worse ... and the global warming ... and the wars ...

I do wish "they" would STOP IT!

We are trying to earn a living here, in which ever way we do this, and especially those amongst us who are self employed, but also those of us who work for companies, we need to be POSITIVE.

We need to be PROACTIVE. We need to do our jobs right and to the best of our abilities, to create maximum value for everyone concerned and compete successfully in the market place.

For all "their" wailing and whining, there is ENORMOUS wealth in the world, both material as well as metaphysical; and this wealth comes to those who see it, believe in it, love it, who embrace it, who step forward in a POSITIVE MANNER and hold their arms open wide to receive it.

That is the truth, and nothing but the truth. All this poverty thinking has never gotten anyone anywhere at all, and there are ALWAYS people who have succeeded, no matter what the state of the economy around them.

I am hoping, wishing, spelling and blessing that EVERYONE who receives this newsletter will be amongst those "mysterious people who prosper somehow ..."

It's attitude. It's holding your goals and your visions STEADY against the tide of negativity that is being spewed over us all from the media and all around us.

It's bouncing back FAST when there's been a setback.

It's keeping creative and focussed, fear free and making the most of your opportunities - and there are ALWAYS OPPORTUNITIES if you're in the right frame of mind.

To this end, I've asked for a special offer on the "60 Second Wealth Creators", my personal collection of highly charged motivational techniques, teachings, inspirations and devices that will enable you to not just hold your wealth steady against all-comers, but to turn the tide where YOU are, and bring positivity and pro-activity BACK into the game of wealth - in its widest metaphorical sense.

Go here:

***** ENJOY! *****

There we have it, folks!

Keep focused on good things, on YOUR JOY, in every aspect of your life.

Don't let negativity get you down and be your champion - that's the way to get things done, and to bring more light into the world, one person, one moment at a time!

Wishing you the joy of spring,


Dr Silvia Hartmann

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