The Guild of Energists was founded in 1998 and is the world's largest Modern Energy organisation with 967 members active in 86 countries.

We specialise in energy based solutions for individuals and organisations that make the world a less stressed, happier, social and more creative place to live.


The StarFields Diary

StarFields Intelligence May 2006 Imagine for a moment if you would experience your relationships (all of them, with clients, bankers, family, money, pets and potplants and your computer for good measure as well!) as being a SOURCE OF ENERGY that lifts you, raises you and gives you wings!

*****StarFields Intelligence May 2006********

My oh my! What a spring it has been, so far.

I tell you what - EmoTrance is GOOD.

And I tell you something else, something funny.

I don't think I've personally EVER had a complete EmoTrance session on a real problem of my own - not unti April 30th, approx. 8.30pm, at the Gatwick EmoTrance Conference.

I've done it with many others in the capacity of the ET healer; I've explained the theory of it a million times; I've done simple, every day self help things with it a lot but I've never before had the experience of using it on something significant, something hugely painful, old as the hills and physically debilitating to the extreme.

This was my fear of singing in public which left me shaking and being unable to breathe, trembling so hard I thought I was having an epileptic fit, heart rate out of control, and my hands locking up into claws quite incapable of playing guitar any longer.

It did the trick - I can now sing for people. For more details and repercussions from the event, see

But it did much, much more than that.

It changed my life. I can't believe just how many areas of my life were impacted by this thing, this repair work on my chest, throat, stomach.

I came away from this experience feeling a totally different person, and it hasn't worn off. I've thought and done so many things since then that I've never done before, and my life is just so much better, I'm amazed.

And I'm excited. AND extremely motivated to some more things now to keep that momentum of real improvement going, to make it gather even more speed and bring even better results.

One of the things I saw very clearly, very profoundly clearly after coming back home and the same place was a totally different place, was that at the core of most if not all of my problems lies the topic of RELATIONSHIPS.

Sure, intellectually you know these things, or you give lip service to it in a roundabout way because all of psychology says so, but to be completely honest, I always believed that if I just earned enough money, then I'd be ok.

I could get myself a house somewhere far away from anyone at all and spend the rest of my days in blissful peace, wandering in the garden, in a perpetual state of wonderment and safety, happiness achieved.

I don't think I ever doubted that "people make you ill" on any level; for me personally, that's always been the reality as far as I can remember.

Only when you are away from them and on your own, can you be creative, happy, free, real, really there.

That ET session at Gatwick showed me that this was nothing but an "away from" thinking, caused by clearly some major injuries in my energy system.

In BeauTy T, we say that the first concept anyone ever makes is that of their own body, and everything else then gets based upon that - if you decide you are tiny and frail, then horses become incredibly large and frightening by definition. Distances become long, and weights become too heavy. It's a knock on effect from a single, original, central system.

I've always known that the same holds true for relationships.

It is eery how people's relationships with money, for example, totally mirrors their relationships with their family, or with other people. There is a direct correlation between those who "give too much" and don't "get back enough" in people relationships with their financial bank statements - and vice versa.

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

At the bottom of all of that, is a central way how we relate individually to everything around us - and that's guided by the way our energy matrix works, after all each one of us has been through.

I know for a fact that if I was to improve my relationships system, my life would be totally different. It would improve literally EVERYTHING.
Every day, and in every way, the world would be a better place.

When I talk about improvements, that's what I mean exactly.

I am not seeking some explosive Nirvana attack or instant enlightenment, that's not my quest in this life. I just want to be a real human child and not a wooden doll any longer, if you know what I mean.

Being a fully functioning adult with all that entails, wow, that would be something else.

I think that anyone who promises that "all will be healed and revealed in an instance" is basically a liar; and that's not what I'm about.

I've learned first hand what a tremendous difference just a small improvement, forward movement in an old entrenched system can make in your day and your nights, and the way you think about EVERYTHING.

That's why I decided to have a "Relationships Special" and as soon as possible (none of us are getting any younger, right!).

I want to make improvements in the way we process relationships - not just with people, but with EVERYTHING.

There is no doubt in my mind that if we take the time, focus our not inconsiderable powers of mind, heart and dedication on this topic for two days, and actually APPLY some of the extraordinary techniques we've discovered in the last ten years with a will, WE CAN'T HELP BUT MAKE SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS.

That aspect of "actually APPLY" the techniques is central, and that's why I decided to do a live workshop, rather than write a book about it.

On the stage at Gatwick, I would have chickened out a dozen times or more - if there hadn't been all these others there, willing me on, encouraging me, supporting me, helping me to deal with that stuff and heal there and then.

There is so far you can get with thinking about things, and then there comes a time when you actually MUST ****do**** it, in order to get to the next step, to make real progress.

I was so scared to "go there" and even try to approach this old stuff, and even though I've consciously written every single protocol that EmoTrance has, and consciously I knew that it wouldn't hurt, I was still terrified and couldn't have done it without the others there.

That's complete normal, and it's to be expected. I didn't get those injuries from reading scary cartoons as a child, after all.

But I know now ABSOLUTELY that we can make SIGNIFICANT progress, and that when take those steps, we get a new world with completely new possibilities that just simply weren't there before.

I had a world without people, and now, I have a world WITH people. That's something alright. But that's just the beginning. Now, it's about going out and having totally different relationships.

Imagine for a moment if you would experience your relationships (all of them, with clients, bankers, family, money, pets and potplants and your computer for good measure as well!) as being a SOURCE OF ENERGY that lifts you, raises you and gives you wings!

Not a 100% to start with, but an improvement in just 10% - would that make a difference to YOU?

That's another thing I've understood, namely that we are really on a journey here which is about constant improvement - and not one single goal reached and then we flake out and float in peace forever.

There is plenty of time for that when we're in a coffin.

For now, there's the world. Challenging and holding mysteries and pleasures many of us, like myself, haven't been able to begin to explore.

These mysteries, miracles and truly extraordinary experiences depend on us to be able to RELATE and open the door to them.

That's why I am doing the Improve Your Relationships - Improve YOUR LIFE seminar in July.

44 people are going to join me for this, and even though I'm still a bit scared, there are now aspects of me who are also very excited about this, about meeting these people and to find out just what we can do for each other, and together as well as each one of us for ourselves.

We've got a fantastic treasure chest of techniques to choose from and to use with will and power - EmoTrance, EFT, Energy Hypnosis, Project Sanctuary techniques and so much more.

But in the end, this is about people magic. I've learned that evening that people can help each other, and that you don't have to be some mega guru to do it, you just have to have your heart in the right place and cheer each other on.

I'm really looking forward to this and when I get nervous, I remind myself that it really is worth it to persevere and push through to the other side, where all these wonderful surprises await and you are really there to make the best of them.

With best wishes to all
and a wonderful springtime
no matter when,
and no matter where,


Silvia Hartmann


Improve Your Relationships - Improve YOUR LIFE!
July 8/9 2006, Gatwick UK


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