The Guild of Energists was founded in 1998 and is the world's largest Modern Energy organisation with 970 members active in 85 countries.

We specialise in energy based solutions for individuals and organisations that make the world a less stressed, happier, social and more creative place to live.


The StarFields Diary

The Battle Against Hopelessness I just wrote this complete outburst about the "karmic" factor for The StarFields Group.

But what it is, and I decided this when I pressed "send", was my ongoing and endless battle against hopelessness.

Come join me today and from this day forth and let us drive out this worst of all disabling and demoralising demon from our lives, and that of those around us.

Hopelessness is the WORST enemy of human kind.

It ALWAYS ALWAYS comes up. I see this EVERYWHERE.


This global hopelessness is stunning and so pervasive, so invasive, so all around, I sometimes really get fed up with it.

It causes people to give up way, WAY WAY WAY too early and on just about everything, at that.

There was Shazadi who gave up on ice skating after an hour's bad instruction.

There is Nicola who was distraught because on the first time out, she couldn't make the pallette knife work.

There's me and a million other people who never believed that they could paint a landscape until Bob Ross came along and showed us that we could.

I remember a guy who was really smart but had had no education. One time, he got drunk and said about him being so stupid, and how he hated himself for it.

I asked him why he thought that and he told me he was told at school.

I said, "They were wrong. They were lying."

He asked, "What, all of them?"

And held his eyes and replied, "ALL of them."

There was my Down's syndrome cousin who just needed to be shown right how to connect the dots.

There are all those people who are totally ASTONISHED when EFT works for something, or ET, or THEY get to help someone else with that and it really works - the greater the astonishment, the greater the DISBELIEF and HOPELESSNESS must have been, in a direct cause-and-effect relationship.

It is the WORST thing, this hopelessness.

It comes out in all sorts of different disguises, like, "I don't like it," or, "I think it's stupid," or, "That's for other people," or even, "That's for idiots," but the idea that something can't be done, and least of all, by yours truly, is ENDEMIC.


We just have to TRY.

That's all.

And in order to try, you have to have at least SOME remnant, some vestige of hope left that there is any point in trying in the first place.

People get fed up with me sometimes because I won't leave any of us alone.

I am CONSTANTLY challenging the hopelessness, wherever I see it, wherever I hear it.

I won't have it and I won't allow it.

It kills us in more ways than we even know.

Join me in this.

If you come across hopelessness anywhere, challenge it.

Don't worry about your popularity because when just one person gets over themselves and has a moment of breakthrough into hope again, that changes their lives in THE most profound way and opens the door for all sorts of other things.

Someone says, "Oh I'm just a shit cook, sorry ..." CHALLENGE THAT.

Someone says, "Oh I'm way too old for that ..." CHALLENGE THAT.

Someone says, "Right, and pigs can fly ..." CHALLENGE THAT.

YOU think EVER, "Oh it's karmic, it'll never, that's the way it's sposed to be ... oh well ..." CHALLENGE THAT.


And that's the kicker, the final frontier of hopelessness.

People have given up on the POSSIBILITY OF A MIRACLE.

Most times, and for most things, we don't even need a goddamned miracle to (find love, lose weight, get some cash, start to paint, understand maths, get the house fixed up, get pain relief, find a good job, a purpose in life, JOY!).

We just need to know that there is at least a REMOTE POSSIBILITY to achieve any of that to CHANGE THE DAYS.

To change our lives.

Hope is THE most precious commodity we have. Don't EVER let anyone take it from you - and especially not yourself.


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